Just one of the many ways to keep up with me!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Barbie (she is 50)

Okay, admit it...this is kind of funny - she went from being anatomically incorrect to this? Nah...but thank you Nancy :0)~

Sukuu keeping his distance (cookie yes, mom no)

For those of you who know my relationship with Sukuu, this is really not normal!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

What's new? Still 'dislocated' but...

I have been diligently trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up. To date, I can tell you this...I am not going to grow up! Okay, seriously...I am working through the process of a career exploration course. You might think why is she doing that at her age (careful...). This  course is a requirement for the WIA Dislocated Worker Program and I am still pursuing that possibility. My challenge is that I have a recent degree in a employable field. Additionally, I have skills that I can take to many possible jobs.  

What is the most challenging is being open while considering what I enjoy doing for work and the recency of my work experiences. The entire process is somewhat uncomfortable. For example, I had to list all personal achievements. What have I achieved? My mind went blank and I have ten blanks to fill. #1 - Graduated from college (with honors) #2 - lost weight and to date, kept it off (if you know me well, you will understand this one) #3 - Completed a marathon (walking) for three years in a row. So, if you are reading this and know me, please feel free to toss me a few ideas...

In addition to that course, I have been Tweeting (Twitter) and networking with some awesome people! There is this wonderful organization out there called JobAngels (www.JobAngels.org) that help people find jobs. There are so many of us that, because of the economy, are unemployed. Ah, yes, another chapter in my book of life!